Costco/EDH 52

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APNs: 122-720-002, 122-720-018, 122-720-019, 122-720-020, and 122-720-021

Proposed development of a new Costco with gas station on approximately 42.46 acres, across the north and south sides of Silva Valley Parkway. The project would include an approximately 160,000 square-foot Costco warehouse retail center and customer parking on the south side of Silva Valley Parkway (South Site) on approximately 17.63 acres, and a Costco gas station, with an open canopy of 5,000 square feet, and employee parking on the north side of Silva Valley Parkway (North Site) on approximately 3.29 acres. The remaining Costco-owned property on the north side of Silva Valley Parkway will remain vacant. The current zoning on the project site is predominantly Commercial, Regional – Planned Development (CR-PD), with small portions on the South Site zoned Commercial, Limited (CL), and Transportation Corridor (TC), and the General Plan land use designation for the project site is Commercial (C). The project would require: a planned development for 165,000 square feet of warehouse commercial retail and automotive fuel sales; a conditional use permit for the establishment of a tire center, which would include car battery sales and service, within the Costco facility, outdoor vehicle display, and recurring seasonal Christmas Tree sales; and a variance for an increase in signage area from what is currently allowed in the Zoning Code.

Application #s

PD15-0001; CUP23-0012; V22-0001

Application Type

Planned Development; Conditional Use Permit; Variance (sign)

Application Submittal Date

1/5/2015; 7/13/2023; 3/3/2022

General Plan Land Use

Commercial (C)


Planned Development (CR-PD), Commercial, Limited (CL), and Transportation Corridor (TC),

Project Area

42.46 acres


Approximately 700’ to 750’ AMSL


Urban Planning Partners

Property Owner

Costco Wholesale Corporation

County Planner

Cameron Welch

APNs: 122-720-002, 122-720-018, 122-720-019, 122-720-020, and 122-720-021

Proposed development of a new Costco with gas station on approximately 42.46 acres, across the north and south sides of Silva Valley Parkway. The project would include an approximately 160,000 square-foot Costco warehouse retail center and customer parking on the south side of Silva Valley Parkway (South Site) on approximately 17.63 acres, and a Costco gas station, with an open canopy of 5,000 square feet, and employee parking on the north side of Silva Valley Parkway (North Site) on approximately 3.29 acres. The remaining Costco-owned property on the north side of Silva Valley Parkway will remain vacant. The current zoning on the project site is predominantly Commercial, Regional – Planned Development (CR-PD), with small portions on the South Site zoned Commercial, Limited (CL), and Transportation Corridor (TC), and the General Plan land use designation for the project site is Commercial (C). The project would require: a planned development for 165,000 square feet of warehouse commercial retail and automotive fuel sales; a conditional use permit for the establishment of a tire center, which would include car battery sales and service, within the Costco facility, outdoor vehicle display, and recurring seasonal Christmas Tree sales; and a variance for an increase in signage area from what is currently allowed in the Zoning Code.

Application #s

PD15-0001; CUP23-0012; V22-0001

Application Type

Planned Development; Conditional Use Permit; Variance (sign)

Application Submittal Date

1/5/2015; 7/13/2023; 3/3/2022

General Plan Land Use

Commercial (C)


Planned Development (CR-PD), Commercial, Limited (CL), and Transportation Corridor (TC),

Project Area

42.46 acres


Approximately 700’ to 750’ AMSL


Urban Planning Partners

Property Owner

Costco Wholesale Corporation

County Planner

Cameron Welch

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12 months

Page last updated: 13 Jan 2025, 01:58 PM