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APNs: 115-410-011
This proposal included a parcel map which would have segregated a wetland into a remainder parcel. The parcel map (P24-0009) was approved by the Zoning Administrator on 8/21/2024. An appeal (P-A24-0001) was then upheld by the Board of Supervisors on 9/24/2024. Because the project site included wetlands, the proposed project was found ineligible for AB 2011 streamlining with permit request DR24-0004 on 9/26/2024 (see letter attached to Documents in right column).
A Pre-Application for Bass Lake Family Apartments, an affordable housing project that seeks to utilize SB 330 and AB 2011 to provide 100% affordable housing project comprised of 126 apartments with 124 of the apartments reserved for low-income households and two (2) manager's units. The project includes five (5) buildings totaling 122,508 sq. ft. The proposed project is 100% affordable and eligible for Density Bonus Concessions. The Applicant requests a concession to allow 0% commercial floor area (GFA), whereas a minimum of 30% GFA is typically required as a commercial use in the Commercial Zones. The proposed project would be eligible for up to an 80% Density Bonus. The Applicant requests a +/- 25% Density Bonus. The project includes landscaping and 170 parking spaces. The current zoning is Commercial Professional Office (CPO) and General Plan land use designation for the project site is Commercial (C).
Planning Application #
PA24-0004, DR24-0004, P24-0009, P-A24-0001
Application Type
Pre-Application (SB 330)
Application Submittal Date
March 28, 2024
General Plan Land Use
Commercial (C)
Specific Plan Area
Commercial Professional Office (CPO)
Project Area
5.682 Acres
1,198 ft.
Affirmed Housing Group, José J. Lujano
Project Planner
Bianca Dinkler
APNs: 115-410-011
This proposal included a parcel map which would have segregated a wetland into a remainder parcel. The parcel map (P24-0009) was approved by the Zoning Administrator on 8/21/2024. An appeal (P-A24-0001) was then upheld by the Board of Supervisors on 9/24/2024. Because the project site included wetlands, the proposed project was found ineligible for AB 2011 streamlining with permit request DR24-0004 on 9/26/2024 (see letter attached to Documents in right column).
A Pre-Application for Bass Lake Family Apartments, an affordable housing project that seeks to utilize SB 330 and AB 2011 to provide 100% affordable housing project comprised of 126 apartments with 124 of the apartments reserved for low-income households and two (2) manager's units. The project includes five (5) buildings totaling 122,508 sq. ft. The proposed project is 100% affordable and eligible for Density Bonus Concessions. The Applicant requests a concession to allow 0% commercial floor area (GFA), whereas a minimum of 30% GFA is typically required as a commercial use in the Commercial Zones. The proposed project would be eligible for up to an 80% Density Bonus. The Applicant requests a +/- 25% Density Bonus. The project includes landscaping and 170 parking spaces. The current zoning is Commercial Professional Office (CPO) and General Plan land use designation for the project site is Commercial (C).