Town and Country Village
APNs: 119-080-012, 119-080-021 and 119-080-023
The Project Development Area of the project site would include two 150-room hotels, 112 residential cottages, retail uses, restaurants, an event center/museum, recreational amenities, and parking lots. Additionally, the Project Development Area would be developed with internal roadways and a new Class I Bicycle Path. The project site would consist of two areas: the Project Development Area and the Program Study Area. The Project Development Area consists of the northernmost and southernmost 30.3 acres of the project site, and would be developed with two hotels, retail services, two restaurants, a museum, an event center, associated parking, 56 residential cottages for employee housing, and an additional 56 residential cottages that may be rented on a daily or extended stay basis, which may require a conditional use permit. The Program Study Area consists of the central and easternmost 30.2 acres of the project site and may include further development in the future such as additional hotels, medical facilities, senior housing, townhomes and cottages, and other uses allowed by the proposed zoning districts. The General Plan Land Use Designation for the project site is Adopted Plan (AP). The BLHSP designates the project site as Low Density Residential Planned Development and the project site is zoned Residential Estate-10 acres (RE-10). The proposed project would require approval of a General Plan Amendment, BLHSP Amendment (Specific Plan Revision), Rezone, Planned Development Permit, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Conditional Use Permit, as well as other responsible agency approvals. In addition, depending upon the type and extent of signage proposed, the project may require entitlement(s) related to signage.
- To read the Draft Environmental Impact Report, please click here: Town and Country Village El Dorado DEIR - El Dorado County (
- To view the Planning Commission Informational Workshop, please click here: Planning Commission Meeting 10-31-2024
Planning Application # | GPA22-0003, SP-R21-0002, Z21-0013, PD21-0005, TM22-0005 & CUP23-0008 |
Application Type | General Plan Amendment, Rezone, Planned Development Permit, Tentative Subdivision Map & Conditional Use Permit |
Application Submittal Date | 10/21/2022 |
General Plan Land Use | AP |
Specific Plan Area | RE-10 |
Zoning | Proposed rezone from RE-10 to CC-PD, RM-PD, and OS-PD (Z21-0013) |
Project Area | 30.3 acres |
Elevation | 200′ |
Applicant | Josh Pane |
Project Planner | Nick Pappani and Ande Flower |