Creekside Village Specific Plan

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APNs: 117-720-012 & 117-010-032

Proposed development of a new 918-unit residential community located on an approximately 208-acre site. The project would include 115.8 acres of approximately 668 Single-Family Low-Density residential development, 20.8 acres of approximately 250 Single-Family Medium-Density residential development, 1.8 acres of Neighborhood Commercial, 13.6 acres of parks, 44.8 acres of open space preserves and buffers, and 10.4 acres of roadways. The proposed land use map is provided in the linked PDF. The current zoning and General Plan land use designation for the project site is Research & Development (R&D). The project would require a general plan amendment from R&D to AP - Adopted Plan, a rezone from R&D to SP - Creekside Village Specific Plan, a subdivision map, and establish a Development Agreement and Specific Plan for Creekside Village.

Application #

GPA20-0001, Z20-0005, SP20-0001, TM20-0002

Application Type

General Plan Amendment; Zone Change; Specific Plan; Subdivision Map

Application Submittal Date

6/25/2020; 6/25/2020; 6/25/2020; 6/25/2020

General Plan Land Use

Research & Development (R&D)


Research & Development (R&D)

Project Area

208 acres


Winn Communities

County Planner

Cameron Welch

APNs: 117-720-012 & 117-010-032

Proposed development of a new 918-unit residential community located on an approximately 208-acre site. The project would include 115.8 acres of approximately 668 Single-Family Low-Density residential development, 20.8 acres of approximately 250 Single-Family Medium-Density residential development, 1.8 acres of Neighborhood Commercial, 13.6 acres of parks, 44.8 acres of open space preserves and buffers, and 10.4 acres of roadways. The proposed land use map is provided in the linked PDF. The current zoning and General Plan land use designation for the project site is Research & Development (R&D). The project would require a general plan amendment from R&D to AP - Adopted Plan, a rezone from R&D to SP - Creekside Village Specific Plan, a subdivision map, and establish a Development Agreement and Specific Plan for Creekside Village.

Application #

GPA20-0001, Z20-0005, SP20-0001, TM20-0002

Application Type

General Plan Amendment; Zone Change; Specific Plan; Subdivision Map

Application Submittal Date

6/25/2020; 6/25/2020; 6/25/2020; 6/25/2020

General Plan Land Use

Research & Development (R&D)


Research & Development (R&D)

Project Area

208 acres


Winn Communities

County Planner

Cameron Welch

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12 months

Page last updated: 05 Sep 2024, 01:56 PM