Cameron Meadows Project

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APN: 070-011-051

A Tentative Subdivision Map that seeks to utilize the Housing Accountability Act, the Housing Crisis Act (also known as Senate Bill 330 [SB 330]), and the State Density Bonus Law. The proposed project would create 161 single-family residential lots ranging in size from 6,300 square feet (sf) to 16,668 sf. Sixteen of the lots would include an attached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). The ADUs, which represent ten (10) percent of the total dwelling units, are proposed to be deed-restricted to low-income households, thereby qualifying the project to utilize the State Density Bonus Law. The proposed project would result in a density of 1.55 dwelling units per acre, which is within the 1-5 units per acre allowed in the High Density Residential (HDR) land use designation of the General Plan. Rasmussen Pond is located on the property. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 070-011-051, consists of 104-acres, and located adjacent to Rasmussen Park, east of Mira Loma Drive and north of Carousel Lane, in the Cameron Park area, Supervisorial District 2. This project has been identified as a project requiring an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). There will be additional review and comment periods throughout the CEQA process.

Planning Application #


Application Type

Tentative Subdivision Map

Application Submittal Date


General Plan Land Use

High Density Residential (HDR)


Residential, One-Ace (R1A)

Project Area

Cameron Park, California


TTLC Cameron park – Meadows, LLC/ Aidan Berry/ R.E.Y Engineers, Inc./Dave Sagan/ Hong Yang, Successor Trustee of the Street Family Trust and David Weiner and Melodi A. Weiner and Beau D. Weiner and Denize Weiner, all as tenants in common.

Project Planner

Bianca Dinkler, Senior Planner

APN: 070-011-051

A Tentative Subdivision Map that seeks to utilize the Housing Accountability Act, the Housing Crisis Act (also known as Senate Bill 330 [SB 330]), and the State Density Bonus Law. The proposed project would create 161 single-family residential lots ranging in size from 6,300 square feet (sf) to 16,668 sf. Sixteen of the lots would include an attached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). The ADUs, which represent ten (10) percent of the total dwelling units, are proposed to be deed-restricted to low-income households, thereby qualifying the project to utilize the State Density Bonus Law. The proposed project would result in a density of 1.55 dwelling units per acre, which is within the 1-5 units per acre allowed in the High Density Residential (HDR) land use designation of the General Plan. Rasmussen Pond is located on the property. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 070-011-051, consists of 104-acres, and located adjacent to Rasmussen Park, east of Mira Loma Drive and north of Carousel Lane, in the Cameron Park area, Supervisorial District 2. This project has been identified as a project requiring an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). There will be additional review and comment periods throughout the CEQA process.

Planning Application #


Application Type

Tentative Subdivision Map

Application Submittal Date


General Plan Land Use

High Density Residential (HDR)


Residential, One-Ace (R1A)

Project Area

Cameron Park, California


TTLC Cameron park – Meadows, LLC/ Aidan Berry/ R.E.Y Engineers, Inc./Dave Sagan/ Hong Yang, Successor Trustee of the Street Family Trust and David Weiner and Melodi A. Weiner and Beau D. Weiner and Denize Weiner, all as tenants in common.

Project Planner

Bianca Dinkler, Senior Planner

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about 1 year

Cameron Meadows

Page last updated: 30 Aug 2024, 04:45 PM