Generations at Green Valley Project

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APNs: 126-020-001, 126-020-002, 126-020-003, 126-020-004, and 126-150-023

El Dorado County will hold a meeting to receive comments regarding the content of the DEIR and answer general questions regarding the environmental process. The meeting will be held in-person with a remote option via Zoom on Thursday, July 11, 2024, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the El Dorado County Planning and Building Department, 2850 Fairlane Ct, Building C, Placerville, CA 95667 in the Planning Commission hearing room. Here is the Zoom link:

To read the Draft Environmental Impact Report, please click here: Generations at Green Valley Notice of Availability of the DEIR - El Dorado County ( (External link).

The Generations at Green Valley project proposes a General Plan Amendment GPA22-0001, Rezone Z22-0001, and Tentative Subdivision Map TM22-0001, to amend the General Plan land use designations from Low Density Residential (LDR), with approximately 1.4 acres designated Open Space (OS) associated with an existing Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) utility easement, to High Density Residential (HDR), Low Density Residential (LDR), and Public Facilities (PF); and a Rezone from Residential Estate, Ten-acre (RE-10), with the SMUD easement zoned as Recreational Facilities, Low Intensity (RF-L), the proposed C-Drive extension area is zoned Residential Estate, Five-acre (RE-5), and the proposed A-Drive Extension is RE-10, to Residential, Single-unit (R1), Open Space (OS), Recreational Facilities, High Intensity (RF-H), and Residential Estate, Five-Acre (RE-5); and a Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide the -acre project site into 379 residential lots, clubhouse lot, park site lot, thirteen landscape lots, nine (9) open space lots, and three (3) lots for project roadways. Age restrictions would apply to 214 of the residential lots. Proposed lot sizes would range from 6,000 square feet to 5.7 acres. Roadway access to the project would be provided through two (2) main connections with Green Valley Road and three (3) emergency access roads connecting to existing roadways along the project's boundary. The proposed development area of the project would be within the General Plan designated El Dorado Hills Community Region boundary. The project encompasses approximately 280-acres located on five current parcels, Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 126-020-001, 126-020-002, 126-020-003, 126-020-004, and 126-150-023, and is located on the south side of Green Valley Road approximately 100 feet southeast of the intersection with Malcom Dixon Road, in the El Dorado Hills area, in Supervisorial District 1. The proposed project includes a Development Agreement, DA24-0001. This project has been identified as a project requiring an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). There will be additional review and comment periods throughout the CEQA process.

Planning Application #GPA22-0001, Z22-0001, TM22-0001
Application TypeGeneral Plan Amendment, Rezone, Tentative Subdivision Map
Application Submittal DateInitial Application, January 19, 2022. Updated Application, November 30, 2022.
General Plan Land UseLow Density Residential (LDR), Open Space (OS)
ZoningResidential Estate, Ten-Acre (RE-10), Residential Estate, Five-Acre (RE-5), Recreational Facilities, Low Intensity (RF-L)
ApplicantGreen Valley Road Benefits, LLC, c/o TTLC Management Inc./Jenny Louie Helm, Wayland H. Louie and Jen Lynn Louie, Successor Trustee of the Fay Louie 2001 Living Trust; Kimberly Dixon, Amanda R., and Robert N. Pena
County PlannerBianca Dinkler, Senior Planner

APNs: 126-020-001, 126-020-002, 126-020-003, 126-020-004, and 126-150-023

El Dorado County will hold a meeting to receive comments regarding the content of the DEIR and answer general questions regarding the environmental process. The meeting will be held in-person with a remote option via Zoom on Thursday, July 11, 2024, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the El Dorado County Planning and Building Department, 2850 Fairlane Ct, Building C, Placerville, CA 95667 in the Planning Commission hearing room. Here is the Zoom link:

To read the Draft Environmental Impact Report, please click here: Generations at Green Valley Notice of Availability of the DEIR - El Dorado County ( (External link).

The Generations at Green Valley project proposes a General Plan Amendment GPA22-0001, Rezone Z22-0001, and Tentative Subdivision Map TM22-0001, to amend the General Plan land use designations from Low Density Residential (LDR), with approximately 1.4 acres designated Open Space (OS) associated with an existing Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) utility easement, to High Density Residential (HDR), Low Density Residential (LDR), and Public Facilities (PF); and a Rezone from Residential Estate, Ten-acre (RE-10), with the SMUD easement zoned as Recreational Facilities, Low Intensity (RF-L), the proposed C-Drive extension area is zoned Residential Estate, Five-acre (RE-5), and the proposed A-Drive Extension is RE-10, to Residential, Single-unit (R1), Open Space (OS), Recreational Facilities, High Intensity (RF-H), and Residential Estate, Five-Acre (RE-5); and a Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide the -acre project site into 379 residential lots, clubhouse lot, park site lot, thirteen landscape lots, nine (9) open space lots, and three (3) lots for project roadways. Age restrictions would apply to 214 of the residential lots. Proposed lot sizes would range from 6,000 square feet to 5.7 acres. Roadway access to the project would be provided through two (2) main connections with Green Valley Road and three (3) emergency access roads connecting to existing roadways along the project's boundary. The proposed development area of the project would be within the General Plan designated El Dorado Hills Community Region boundary. The project encompasses approximately 280-acres located on five current parcels, Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 126-020-001, 126-020-002, 126-020-003, 126-020-004, and 126-150-023, and is located on the south side of Green Valley Road approximately 100 feet southeast of the intersection with Malcom Dixon Road, in the El Dorado Hills area, in Supervisorial District 1. The proposed project includes a Development Agreement, DA24-0001. This project has been identified as a project requiring an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). There will be additional review and comment periods throughout the CEQA process.

Planning Application #GPA22-0001, Z22-0001, TM22-0001
Application TypeGeneral Plan Amendment, Rezone, Tentative Subdivision Map
Application Submittal DateInitial Application, January 19, 2022. Updated Application, November 30, 2022.
General Plan Land UseLow Density Residential (LDR), Open Space (OS)
ZoningResidential Estate, Ten-Acre (RE-10), Residential Estate, Five-Acre (RE-5), Recreational Facilities, Low Intensity (RF-L)
ApplicantGreen Valley Road Benefits, LLC, c/o TTLC Management Inc./Jenny Louie Helm, Wayland H. Louie and Jen Lynn Louie, Successor Trustee of the Fay Louie 2001 Living Trust; Kimberly Dixon, Amanda R., and Robert N. Pena
County PlannerBianca Dinkler, Senior Planner

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about 1 year

Generations at Green Valley

Page last updated: 30 Aug 2024, 04:47 PM