Serrano Village M5 Project

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APNs: 123-020-023

Proposed development of a new 20-unit residential subdivision on 20 lots, ranging in size from 7,000 to 19,763 square feet, located on an 8.42-acre site. The project would include single-family attached residential development and open space, in addition to roadway improvements and new utility hook-ups. The proposed map is provided in the linked PDF. The current zoning of the project site is Single-unit Residential, minimum lot size 20,000 square feet (R20K) and the General Plan land use designation for the project site is AP (Adopted Plan). The project would require a Subdivision to 20 lots ranging in size from 7,000 sf to 19,763 sf, a Zone Change from R20K to R1-PD (Single-unit Residential, Planned Development Combining Zone) and OS (Open Space), and a Planned Development to add the PD overlay to the Zone Change.

Planning Application #

TM24-0001; Z24-0001; PD24-0001

Application Type

Tentative Subdivision Map; Zone Change; Planned Development

Application Submittal Date


General Plan Land Use


Specific Plan Area

El Dorado Hills Specific Plan


Single-unit Residential, minimum lot size 20,000 square feet (R20K)

Project Area

8.42 acres


Approximately 800-900’ AMSL


Serrano Associates, LLC

County Planner

Cameron Welch

APNs: 123-020-023

Proposed development of a new 20-unit residential subdivision on 20 lots, ranging in size from 7,000 to 19,763 square feet, located on an 8.42-acre site. The project would include single-family attached residential development and open space, in addition to roadway improvements and new utility hook-ups. The proposed map is provided in the linked PDF. The current zoning of the project site is Single-unit Residential, minimum lot size 20,000 square feet (R20K) and the General Plan land use designation for the project site is AP (Adopted Plan). The project would require a Subdivision to 20 lots ranging in size from 7,000 sf to 19,763 sf, a Zone Change from R20K to R1-PD (Single-unit Residential, Planned Development Combining Zone) and OS (Open Space), and a Planned Development to add the PD overlay to the Zone Change.

Planning Application #

TM24-0001; Z24-0001; PD24-0001

Application Type

Tentative Subdivision Map; Zone Change; Planned Development

Application Submittal Date


General Plan Land Use


Specific Plan Area

El Dorado Hills Specific Plan


Single-unit Residential, minimum lot size 20,000 square feet (R20K)

Project Area

8.42 acres


Approximately 800-900’ AMSL


Serrano Associates, LLC

County Planner

Cameron Welch

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12 months

Page last updated: 30 Aug 2024, 04:44 PM