Dorado Oaks Tentative Subdivision Map

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APNs: 054-402-018, 329-301-015, 329-301-20, 329-310-010, 329-310-011, 329-310-012.

  1. A Rezone (Application # Z19-0005) of an approximately 18.1-acre portion of the approximately 142.5-acre project site from Residential, Multi-Unit (RM) to Residential, Multi-Unit - Planned Development (RM-PD), in accordance with the El Dorado County Zoning Code;
  2. A Phased Tentative Subdivision Map (Application # TM18-1538), to subdivide the property into 14 Large Lots for financing and phasing purposes, 156 single-family lots ranging in size from 6,000 square feet to approximately 24,000 square feet, 225 multi-family lots ranging in size from approximately 2,000 square feet to 7,170 square feet ; one single-family lot of approximately 6.4 acres; seven roadway lots; and 18 open space/landscape lots open space/landscape lots in accordance with the El Dorado County Subdivision Ordinance;.
  3. A Planned Development Permit (Application # PD19-0005) to establish an official Development Plan for the Dorado Oaks Subdivision that includes modification to front yard setback standards in the RM zone district for 225 multi-family lots on an 18.1-acre portion of the project site in accordance with the El Dorado County Zoning Code.
  4. A Development Agreement (Application# DA20-0002) between the County and the project applicant.
  5. Lot line adjustments along portions of the site’s eastern boundary to correct a series of inadvertent encroachments and lot line errors from adjoining properties and structures onto the proposed subdivision site.

Application Submittal Date

September 28, 2018

General Plan Land Use


Specific Plan Area



RM, R1

Project Area

Diamond Springs


Approx. 1700


Stonehedge Springs, LLC

Project Planner

Evan Mattes

APNs: 054-402-018, 329-301-015, 329-301-20, 329-310-010, 329-310-011, 329-310-012.

  1. A Rezone (Application # Z19-0005) of an approximately 18.1-acre portion of the approximately 142.5-acre project site from Residential, Multi-Unit (RM) to Residential, Multi-Unit - Planned Development (RM-PD), in accordance with the El Dorado County Zoning Code;
  2. A Phased Tentative Subdivision Map (Application # TM18-1538), to subdivide the property into 14 Large Lots for financing and phasing purposes, 156 single-family lots ranging in size from 6,000 square feet to approximately 24,000 square feet, 225 multi-family lots ranging in size from approximately 2,000 square feet to 7,170 square feet ; one single-family lot of approximately 6.4 acres; seven roadway lots; and 18 open space/landscape lots open space/landscape lots in accordance with the El Dorado County Subdivision Ordinance;.
  3. A Planned Development Permit (Application # PD19-0005) to establish an official Development Plan for the Dorado Oaks Subdivision that includes modification to front yard setback standards in the RM zone district for 225 multi-family lots on an 18.1-acre portion of the project site in accordance with the El Dorado County Zoning Code.
  4. A Development Agreement (Application# DA20-0002) between the County and the project applicant.
  5. Lot line adjustments along portions of the site’s eastern boundary to correct a series of inadvertent encroachments and lot line errors from adjoining properties and structures onto the proposed subdivision site.

Application Submittal Date

September 28, 2018

General Plan Land Use


Specific Plan Area



RM, R1

Project Area

Diamond Springs


Approx. 1700


Stonehedge Springs, LLC

Project Planner

Evan Mattes

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11 months

Page last updated: 12 Sep 2024, 09:35 AM